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November 13th 2023
1. Rethinking your classroom collectionOur reading for pleasure subscription service makes it easy to provide your pupils with a wide range of new and diverse books to choose from each term. We'll send you a box of the best new releases at the beginning of every term, covering fiction and non-fiction and a mix of genres and text types – all hand-picked by our team of English curriculum book advisors. Whole school primary or key stage subscriptions are available, from EYFS to KS3. |
2. Systematic synthetic phonics support for older pupilsBooks that help with developmental reading and writing are essential. The Reading Framework places significant emphasis on providing phonically decodable texts for all pupils who are not yet secure readers, including KS3, alongside providing fluency support for a broader section of pupils, too. Finding age-appropriate and engaging texts for these pupils can be tricky, so take a look at our dedicated page for recommendations. Our team have pulled together some suggestions for phonically decodable books to suit older readers, at each phonics phase. We've also highlighted the Dockside and Rapid Readers series, which are ideal for those students who still require lots of phonics practice and support. |
3. Reading for pleasureWe're here to help you succeed in the mission to help every pupil become a lifelong reader. We know that creating a reading for pleasure culture in school alongside the developing of reading skills is a challenge, so visit our reading for pleasure pages for the latest and best new titles in fiction and non-fiction, new graphics titles, award-winners and picture books for every age group.
4. Reading environmentsWithout the right space to browse, enjoy and immerse themselves in a book, pupils' engagement with reading can stall. Any reading corner KS1 to KS3 should be inspiring reading; whether it’s a cosy corner, or a quiet library space for the whole school, we can help. Check out our Inspire Me page for ideas, or contact our interior designers to request your free visit and bespoke 3D CAD design. |
5. Book talkFostering reading relationships can support pupils' wellbeing, as well as enthusing them about books so that they're more likely to become lifelong readers. Visit our Book talk page for conversation starters to inspire discussion for DEAR or whole class reading. Our Book Talk Cards cover a range of recommended new titles selected specifically to appeal to each year group. We're adding new Book Talk cards every month, so don't forget to check this page regularly! |
6. Reading practice beyond primaryLooking ahead to the summer term, we have a dedicated transition page to help you choose the right texts for your Year 6 pupils as you prepare them for secondary school. The Reading Framework emphasises the importance of the transition to secondary, maintaining pupils' engagement with reading and quickly identifying and providing support for those less confident readers. Exploring our Tutor Time and DEAR recommendations can also help you find books that will support pupils to engage in meaningful conversation about real life issues. |
7. Evaluating your English provisionThe Reading Framework has high expectations for the English curriculum you provide for your pupils. "Reading teaching which introduces engaging literature, with the teacher on hand to support pupils' growing understanding, gives them access to all the things we can learn from great books and stories. Reading lessons need to create readers, not just pupils who can read." DfE Reading Framework 2023, page 108 Daunted? Don't be. We can help with selections to support every aspect of your English provision, from reading spines for each year group, the teaching of specific text types, such as poetry, and inspirational texts to structure your writing curriculum around. |