Inclusive books for SEND pupils
The Department for Education has identified four broad areas of need encompassed by SEND: communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health difficulties and sensory and/or physical needs.
The range of need within special educational provision is broad. Some pupils may leave school reading at the level expected for their age while, for others, success may mean reading basic words and text in the world around them with confidence, however every child and young person has the right to an effective and enriching education.
Our team has put together some lists of recommended books to help cater for your pupils with specific needs or difficulties, including sensory books and books in Braille, as well as books to ensure pupils with special educational needs find themselves represented.
How do teachers support struggling readers?
One to one developmental reading and writing can support struggling readers. Reluctant reader book packs for schools are made to specifically help students with low reading comprehension.
What is the best reading intervention for struggling readers?
The best intervention is to understand and address the cause of pupils' difficulty. Dyslexia friendly books, reading books for SEND pupils, or reading with a partner can help.
Browse the curated lists below
Can't find the books you need? We'd be happy to discuss your school's needs and requirements in depth. Email us at or call us on 0121 666 6646 to speak to a member of our team.