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March 3rd 2023
Working with volunteers for fifty years, Coram Beanstalk has been on the reading-for-pleasure mission since 1973. Every week, Beanstalk volunteers go into schools and give one-to-one support to children who need intensive or longer-term help to transform their attitude towards reading. The programme focuses on the relationship built between volunteer and pupil, allowing the children to shine through and discover the joy of reading.
Coram Beanstalk’s programme makes inspiring impact not only on children's attitude to reading, but also on their learning and overall wellbeing. In Coram Beanstalk Impact Report 2021-22, they measured that 95% of schools observed improved attitude to learning in their pupils; and 91% of schools observed improved confidence and self-esteem.
A voluntary reading scheme can’t happen without the books! Using ‘Beanstalk Brilliant’ books selected by the charity, we order and deliver the books to the schools’ doorstep. We’re thrilled to be supporting Coram Beanstalk when it comes to getting these books into the hands of children and Coram Beanstalk reading helper volunteers. Every step is important when giving all children the opportunity to fall in love with books, and become readers for life.
If you are passionate like Coram Beanstalk and Peters about the reading-for-pleasure mission, then you can get involved too!
Coram Beanstalk is active across the country and is wanting to grow in local areas such as Birmingham, the Black Country and the Lake District. A spare couple of hours a week is all that's needed to make a real difference to a pupil's life. If you or someone you know wants to share a love of reading with their community, you can read more about being a Coram Beanstalk volunteer and register your interest below.
If you are a teacher looking for an interactive reading intervention scheme with a proven impact, you can find out more about Coram Beanstalk’s work in schools and register your interest in partnering with the charity here.