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Order Pathways to Read titles from Peters

The Literacy Company is proud to partner with Peters to offer an exclusive discount on books linked to Pathways to Read.

Already know which books you'd like? Use the form below to order your Pathways to Read titles for your chosen year group(s) with 30% off RRP or 32% when ordering 15 or more copies of the same title.

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Year 1

The koala who could
The koala who could
Rachel Bright
RRP £7.99
The friendly mammoth
The friendly mammoth
Anna Terreros-Martin
RRP £6.99
Meet the planets
Meet the planets
Caryl Hart
RRP £7.99
Commotion in the ocean
Commotion in the ocean
Giles Andreae
RRP £7.99
RRP £6.99
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
Mara Alperin
RRP £7.99

Year 2

The troll
The troll
Julia Donaldson
RRP £7.99
The three Billy Goats Gruff
The three Billy Goats Gruff
Mara Alperin
RRP £7.99
Lights on Cotton Rock
Lights on Cotton Rock
David Litchfield
RRP £7.99
Above and below
Above and below
Patricia Hegarty
RRP £7.99
The dragonsitter
The dragonsitter
Josh Lacey
RRP £6.99
Real dragons
Real dragons
Jennifer Szymanski
RRP £3.99
Grandpa was an astronaut
Grandpa was an astronaut
Jonathan Meres
RRP £6.99
Owen and the soldier
Owen and the soldier
Lisa Thompson
RRP £7.99
Fantastic Mr Fox
Fantastic Mr Fox
Roald Dahl
RRP £7.99
Illustrated Grimm
Illustrated Grimm's fairy tales
Jacob Grimm
RRP £14
The bear and the piano
The bear and the piano
David Litchfield
RRP £7.99
Rain before rainbows
Rain before rainbows
Smriti Halls
RRP £7.99
Nibbles the dinosaur guide
Emma Yarlett
RRP £7.99
Dinosaurs  find it! explore it!
RRP £6.99
Claude in the city
Claude in the city
Alex T Smith
RRP £7.99
The lost fairy tales
The lost fairy tales
Isabel Otter
RRP £9.99

Year 3

The sea book
The sea book
Charlotte Milner
RRP £12.99
The ice palace
The ice palace
Robert Swindells
RRP £6.99
The secret city
The secret city
Katya Balen
RRP £6.99
The iron man
The iron man
Ted Hughes
RRP £7.99
This morning I met a whale
This morning I met a whale
Michael Morpurgo
RRP £7.99
Britta Teckentrup
RRP £6.99
Amazing rivers 100+ waterways that will boggle your mind
Amazing rivers
Julie Vosburgh Agnone
RRP £14.99
The Egyptian Cinderella
The Egyptian Cinderella
Shirley Climo
RRP £7.99

Year 4

A world full of animal stories
A world full of animal stories
Angela McAllister
RRP £14.99
Rise up
Rise up
Amanda Li
RRP £9.99
The train to Impossible Places a cursed delivery
The train to Impossible Places
P G Bell
RRP £7.99
Greek myths meet the heroes, gods, and monsters of ancient Greece
Greek myths
Jean Menzies
RRP £16.99
Maria Gill
RRP £7.99
Ariki and the island of wonders
Ariki and the island of wonders
Nicola Davies
RRP £7.99
A stage full of Shakespeare stories
A stage full of Shakespeare stories
Angela McAllister
RRP £14.99

Year 5

Good night stories for rebel girls more than 100 tales of extraordinary women
Good night stories for rebel girls
Elena Favilli
RRP £25
Hansel & Gretel
Hansel & Gretel
Neil Gaiman
RRP £16.99
Odd and the frost giants
Odd and the frost giants
Neil Gaiman
RRP £12.99
You are awesome
You are awesome
Matthew Syed
RRP £9.99
The last wild
The last wild
Piers Torday
RRP £7.99
African tales a Barefoot collection
African tales
Gcina Mhlophe
RRP £12.99

Year 6

When we were warriors
When we were warriors
Emma Carroll
RRP £7.99
S F Said
RRP £8.99
The place for me stories about the Windrush generation
The place for me
RRP £12.99
The happy prince and other tales
The happy prince and other tales
Oscar Wilde
RRP £7.99
Survivors extraordinary tales from the wild and beyond
David Long
RRP £10.99
The explorer
The explorer
Katherine Rundell
RRP £8.99
The goldfish boy
The goldfish boy
Lisa Thompson
RRP £7.99
Alastair Humphreys
Alastair Humphreys' great adventurers
Alastair Humphreys
RRP £10.99
Sky chasers
Sky chasers
Emma Carroll
RRP £7.99


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